30 August 2010

0141-0164: round two.

This week has been so hectic, and I am left feeling pretty incoherent.  But at the end, here I am.  I’m not a freshman anymore.  Instead of a myriad of introductions and events, everything new and strange, I met the dear and familiar.  Friends tackled in me on the sidewalk, in Walmart, and I never knew when I would suddenly run into another friend.  These 2 days have been spent decorating, making a home, catching up, and laughing.

Tomorrow:  First classes.  The work begins. 

But on this Sunday evening, I count my blessings:

0141:  parents willing to help me move in
0142:  EVERYTHING fit in our little Taurus.
0143:  a safe drive up to school
0144:  a fun dinner with my parents
0145:  I didn’t forget anything!
0146:  showing my parents around campus the night before moving in
0147:  introducing my parents to my friends as we all moved in
0148:  my closet is big(ger than it was last year)
0149:  I have shelves on the wall!
0150:  smaller floor space, but more storage (maybe will make for a cleaner room?)
0151:  the finishing touches on this room that make it my home.
0152:  big, big hugs
0153:  deep belly laughs
0154:  love.  so, so, so much love.
0155:  rest.  soul-rest, heart-rest, body-rest.
0156:  first Sunday back at this church
0157:  a service that always brings me to the cross
0158:  communion at His table.
0159:  bubble blisters
0160:  these girls.  every one of them. 
0161:  the way each of them makes me laugh in a different way.  each brings me a different kind of joy.  each friendship is deep & beautiful.
0162:  sunshine.
0163:  hearing how God worked in & through a friend on the domestic mission field.  great encouragement.
0164:  Because the sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free / For God the Just is satisfied to look on Him & pardon me…

holy experience


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