13 August 2010


I woke up at 5 AM yesterday morning to shouts of thunder and drumming rain.  I've never seen so many flashes of lightening all at once.  Going back to sleep was impossible now, so I thought I might as well watch the show.

The rain ran sideways, the trees bent low under the weight of the wind.  Branches leaned so close, I imagined I could reach out, touch the leaves, climb out the window, and ride the the tree.

I watched the rest of the storm from my bed, so sleepy and yet unwilling to miss this glory.  "The world is charged with the grandeur of God./It will flame out like shining from shook foil" -- isn't that how the poem goes?  I repeated that line each time lightening struck.

As I curled tighter in my bed, I remembered another night when a 12 year old girl opened that same window to watch the eye of a hurricane pass over her home.  She too wondered how it could be so light outside, and how something everyone feared and prayed against could be so beautiful.

In that moment, as in this, I felt deepest peace, because God makes thunderstorms as well as sunrises.  I used to think thunderstorms were God's grief flowing down to earth.  But these moments make me wonder if maybe...maybe sometimes...God takes delight in thunderstorms too.

[Gerard Manley Hopkins, "God's Grandeur"]


  1. I love how thunderstorms bring us closer to God! Some of my best prayer times have taken place with rain and thunder right outside my window.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my place. It's so nice to meet you, Laura.
    I love your blog! It's so beautiful!

  3. Natalie, mine too. :) Quite honestly, I think rain is just as wonderful as sunshine - as long as both are in moderation.

    Angela, it's great to meet you also. And thank you! It took me a bit to find a blog look I love. I put a button to the site in my sidebar.

  4. Sometimes storms can be beautiful...but that usually means that the fear of them has been conquered.


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